Maja Jaakson

UX engineer & methodology buff

About me

Hi! 👋 I'm a Canadian expat living in Bergen, Norway. My academic background is a bit of a patchwork quilt, with swatches drawn from philosophy, logic, mathematics, linguistics, informatics, English literature, and psychology. Before that, I studied in the visual arts track at an arts magnet high school. Professionally speaking, I am into matters revolving around formalisms, visual design, and methodology -- and wherever these intersect.

I love powerlifting, parrots, aroid plants, early analytic philosophy, version control, cycling, nail polish, CSS, making and consuming food, making and consuming music, and Amsterdam. 🥰


Since 2023, I've been working on the Equinor Design System core team at Equinor, especially with user testing and design token architecture and transformation. Wrestling with design tokens is my happy place. For someone who once aspired to become a philosophy professor, it's been wonderful to solve practical puzzles that spark the same joy I felt when writing my MA thesis on Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

With Equinor's support, I am co-creating a community for frontend developers called Frontiers Bergen. If you live in Norway, check us out! 😄

Before life at Equinor, I worked as a UX Engineer and Agile Coach at the Centre for Quality Improvement in Clinical Practices (SKIL). I also worked as a developer at Knowit Experience Bergen and Vizrt. While at Knowit, I created the Frontiers Guidelines: an open-source front-end development guidelines template, inspired by Brad Frost's guidelines questionnaire. You can check out the Frontiers Guidelines project on GitHub.

I'm really fond of taking in and giving talks about all aspects of life in teams at work. If that's your jam, too, you might want to check out my talks: Make Yourself at Home and Art and Method between Scylla and Charybdis.

If you'd like to get in touch, drop me a line here. 💌